Archive for November 15th, 2011

Man Up!

#38 You must create your own good luck. You must be pro active– and even pre-active.

“You must know when it’s time to stop sitting around all relaxed, waiting for things to just happen to you–and instead stand up and take life by the shirt collar– and not be afraid to wrinkle that shirt collar. You alone decide on your own the level of love and money and happiness you attack to yourself.”

Wait what? You mean I have control of love, money and happiness? Yup, you sure do. Seems weird right? One thing that I heavily teach people is that you absolutely can not control what other people do or say. So if you can not control those things then how can you have a say in love? You will receive the love that you not only give but also the love that you are open to receiving. We all say that we want love but what are we doing to get love? Are you walled up in your home waiting for prince charming to knock on your door? Don’t hold your breath, the UPS guy might be the only prince coming your way riding on a trusty brown steed. If you are not open to love and vulnerable enough to not only give but receive love then love might take a little longer to come your way, until you’re are ready. Love is a two way street and if you aren’t in a place to put up your side of the street then love may not be in your near future.

We all have issues and baggage, no one I mean NO ONE comes without them. The goal is to work through those issues by asking some tough questions. Who, What, When, Where and Why. By asking these questions and digging deeper into the issues we tend to avoid we better understand ourselves. By better understanding ourselves we can then better understand what we want and what we don’t want. When we can grasp those things we in turn open ourselves up to love, chance, and risk. Love isn’t safe and it isn’t easy. Love challenges you to see the ugly parts of you and to WANT to change them.

So go out there and be proactive or even preactive!!!

credit to: how to be happy, dammit. By: Karen Salmansohn elaborated on by me.