Posts Tagged ‘ Faith ’

Submitting While Still Being an Independent Woman

Submitting, Submit…That word has always struck me wrong.  I think the worldly view of submission is to allow something to overtake you, to surrender your view, opinion, dreams, or will.

Merriam-Webster defines Submit as, 1.  to yield to governance or authority, 2. to subject to a condition, treatment, or operation, 3. To present or propose to another for review, consideration or decision, 4.  To put forward as an opinion or contention.

That definition does’t seem as scary, but is that what it means to biblically submit?

I think that the modern day feminist views submitting as a new word for slavery or celebrating the male gender.  But is there any truth to that?

I believe that with any group or label of something there are good examples and bad examples.

People without the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of them do not have the discernment or the power to live out submission and authority in a godly manner.  Wives submitting to their husbands is not meant to be a universal request of obedience it is meant to be embraced in the confines of a Godly marriage.

I believe that people also misconstrue that submission is gender exclusive meaning that it’s just for women.  Men also carry the weight of submission it’s not just required for women or wives.  Every Christ follower, no matter the gender has the responsibility to submit to the Lord and also to the authorities that are placed in our world and in our lives.  

I think that many people believe that submission is generic, that every woman should submit to every man.  The idea of gender superiority.  This is also untrue.  The Bible clearly states that a wife is to submit herself to her own husband and not to any man.

It is also believed that submission is a right, that a husband has a right to demand his wife’s submission.  Submission is not a power to be held over one’s head.  Submission is a CHOICE.  If it is a Godly marriage, then a wife should want to submit.  Submission is about trust and putting your faith in the unknown and relinquishing control.  

I think some people also believe that submission breeds one sided relationships. IT DOESN’T.  It also says that Husbands should “love their wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”.  Giving yourself up for someone, that’s a huge sacrifice.  In a loving Godly marriage, there should be an elevation of each party.  Lifting up and celebrating them in all areas.  

Submission does not promote abuse.  It does not encourage husbands to be domineering and overbearing.  If the husband has the Holy Spirit living actively through him then he realizes what that submission is for.  He understands the importance of it and does not abuse it.  This is not to say that some people may try to manipulate the Bible for their own gain but those people do not have the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.

Submission can be a scary word, it can be a sacrifice.  But I believe that once you find whom God has for you or someone worthy to have you in a partnership and a Godly marriage then you will want to sacrifice, you will want to submit.

It’s not easy, especially for an independent minded person like myself.  But maybe it takes a little bit of digging, independent study and some soul searching to come to terms with what submission really means.  Submission can be a beautiful thing, it was created to be a beautiful part of a relationship.  People reject what they don’t understand.  I use to bolt at the word submission too however, after doing some digging, I can finally see the beauty and the reason that God calls me as a woman to submit.